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Empoderar a los adultos para crear y vivir su vida ideal. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar asesoramiento excepcional a adultos que se adapte a sus necesidades únicas de terapia individual.

Entonces, ¿qué te trae hoy?


El fundador de Naya Clinics, Sam Nabil, fue pionero en la terapia existencial positiva (PET).


La terapia existencial positiva combina las ideas profundas, la humanidad y la sabiduría de la psicoterapia existencial, con elementos de psicología positiva cuidadosamente seleccionados y clínicamente probados.


Nuestro enfoque de asesoramiento innovador y vanguardista nace de nuestras nuevas circunstancias y condiciones, y proporciona un enfoque moderno de la terapia en el siglo XXI.


La PET se desarrolló para enfrentar eficazmente los desafíos de los clientes que ya no respondían a técnicas de asesoramiento obsoletas como la terapia cognitiva conductual.

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Somos altamente selectivos con nuestro equipo de terapeutas y consejeros dedicados. Solo aceptamos el 5% de los solicitantes para asegurarnos de que reciba la mejor y más personal asesoría posible. Nuestro personal altamente capacitado y educado está aquí para ayudarlo.

Iten Elyassaki
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Somos altamente selectivos con nuestro equipo de terapeutas y consejeros dedicados. Solo aceptamos el 5% de los solicitantes para asegurarnos de que reciba la mejor y más personal asesoría posible. Nuestro personal altamente capacitado y educado está aquí para ayudarlo.


Anchor Black

Somos altamente selectivos con nuestro equipo de terapeutas y consejeros dedicados. Solo aceptamos el 5% de los solicitantes para asegurarnos de que reciba la mejor y más personal asesoría posible. Nuestro personal altamente capacitado y educado está aquí para ayudarlo.

Tree Black

Somos altamente selectivos con nuestro equipo de terapeutas y consejeros dedicados. Solo aceptamos el 5% de los solicitantes para asegurarnos de que reciba la mejor y más personal asesoría posible. Nuestro personal altamente capacitado y educado está aquí para ayudarlo.

Helping Hand

Somos altamente selectivos con nuestro equipo de terapeutas y consejeros dedicados. Solo aceptamos el 5% de los solicitantes para asegurarnos de que reciba la mejor y más personal asesoría posible. Nuestro personal altamente capacitado y educado está aquí para ayudarlo.

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Hola, soy Sam Nabil

Fundador de Naya Clinics

Pasé más de 20 años estudiando y trabajando con el comportamiento humano, el rendimiento humano y el comportamiento organizacional. Viví, estudié y trabajé en media docena de países de todo el mundo y mi experiencia laboral abarca diversas industrias y disciplinas, desde asesoramiento y negocios hasta marketing y deportes.


Es a esta experiencia de trabajo y vida diversa y multicultural a la que recurrí cuando desarrollé la Terapia Existencial Positiva (PET).


Reserve una sesión con nosotros, y encontrará que mi equipo y yo estamos listos para ser reales con usted, no brindarle pelusa ni asesoría y entrenamiento de BS, y ponerse manos a la obra y trabajar duro con usted para obtener los resultados que busca. .


Nos entusiasma ser parte de su viaje.





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Maravilloso para trabajar! ¡Aborda todo lo que necesitas y él es versátil en su experiencia!

- Reseña de Thumbtack 

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Profesional y atento con aquellos con quienes interactúa. Admiro su habilidad para conectarse con las personas y hacer diferencias en sus vidas.

- Reseña de Google

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Tiene un gran equilibrio entre ser solidario y desafiarte.

- Reseña de Yelp

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El equipo de Sam está formado por un grupo apasionado de consejeros altamente calificados que se preocupan profundamente por ayudar a las personas a vivir la mejor vida posible. ¡Un gran grupo de seres humanos atentos, hábiles y trabajadores!

- Reseña de Facebook 


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Aún no hay ninguna entrada publicada en este idioma
Una vez que se publiquen entradas, las verás aquí.
  • What is counseling?
    Counseling (also known as therapy) is “talk therapy”, an approach to psychotherapy that involves no use of therapeutic drugs, and is focused on establishing a high level of collaboration between a professional counselor/ therapist and yourself. The collaboration aims at addressing your immediate psychological needs, as well as examining and correcting erroneous self-held beliefs, negative thought patters, and harmful relationship patterns that are distressing you or causing problems in one of the major areas of life (Home, work, and school). Click here to learn 8 ways you can benefit from therapy today.
  • What is marriage counseling?
    Marriage counseling is exactly as it sounds. It is an evidence-based method that involves a certified professional relationship counselor guiding you and your partner to get the most out of your partnership and to resolve conflict and discord. Sometimes referred to as couples therapy or relationship counseling, it uses psychotherapy, which opens up the avenues in communication, intimacy, comfort and understanding in a marriage, enabling both partners to improve and strengthen their bond.
  • What is the difference between a counselor and a psychiatrist?
    Many get confused about the difference between a counselor and a psychiatrist. The main difference is that a psychiatrist is a medical doctor trained in counseling. As such, they see your concerns through a medical model lens, which stipulates that concerns stem from a biological problem, and thus the solution is to administer medicine to correct the imbalance. In contrast, Counselors and psychotherapists view you from a “strength-based approach”, where we collaborate with you to discover the resilience and strength you have, and leverage that to empower you to effectively address your challenges. At Naya Clinics our approach to therapy draws from the humanistic school of psychotherapy and the existential school of psychotherapy to create our own unique approach Positive Existential Therapy PET developed by our founder Sam Nabil
  • What is a life coach?
    A life coach is a person who helps you understand what your personal goals are and assists you to create a plan to achieve those goals. Life coaches do this by providing you with Life coaching service. This could be either a short-term or a long-term, but it typically involves an action-based plan of action. A life coach is not always a healthcare provider or a medical professional, though some life coaches go through training programs and unofficial certifications. At Naya Clinics, all our life coaches are ALSO licensed therapists, giving you the best of both worlds.
  • How can I book an appointment for therapy near me?
    If you are a new counseling client and would like to book a marriage counseling, therapy or life coaching appointment near you, please follow the available appointments link below, chose the name of your preferred marriage counselor, therapist or life coach from the providers drop down menu. After that, pick a counseling location near you from the location drop down menu to see the availability there. You can then request the appointment that works best for you directly online and we will confirm it as soon as we can. For counseling appointments near you in the Cincinnati Ohio, Hyde Park Ohio, Blue Ash Ohio, West Chester Ohio or Florence and Northern KY areas follow this link
  • How much is your fee?
    We use a sliding scale in the practice to determine the counseling fee based of the combined annual income of the household (your income plus the income of your significant other). When you request an appointment with our therapists or coaches using our online portal, our secure and HIPPA compliant client portal will automatically send you a full intake packet with all the information you will need including the sliding scale, as well as the information you will need to fill out before your first appointment with your counselor, therapist or coach. Your information is only to secure your appointment, and you can go back to the portal at any time – until 48 hours before- to cancel your therapy appointment at no charge. For your convenience, we have 4 different pricing options for our clients to suit every need and budget. Our clinical counseling interns see clients for 70$/ individual session and 90$ for couples’ and marriage counseling sessions. Our Licensed counselors’ fees are on a sliding scale starting 120$/session for counseling and coaching sessions, and 140$ for couples’ counseling and marriage counseling sessions Our Chief clinical counseling officer (Carla Seemann) fees are on a sliding scale starting 160$/session for individual therapy and life coaching, and 180$ for relationship therapy and marriage therapy sessions Sam Nabil’s fees are on a sliding scale starting 220$ for individual therapy and executive life coaching, and 250$ for Relationship therapy, Couples’ counseling and marital counseling * Please note that the sliding scale fees quoted above are the entry point on the scale. Your fees may be different than what is quoted above. ** Please note that not all therapists are available in all locations.
  • Do you accept insurance?
    We provide all clients with receipts and or super bills to file with their insurance companies for our Relationship Counseling, Family Counseling and Individual Counseling Services. Life Coaching Services are typically not billable by most insurance providers. Most of our clients who chose to file an out of network claim for our services get reimbursed a substantial portion of our fee by their insurance. We do not work with insurance directly. WHY ARE YOUR SERVICES OUT OF NETWORK? Working with insurance in most cases means we must diagnose you with a mental health illness. Most of the clients we see do not have a mental health illness and are rather dealing with stress or a curve ball that life threw their way in their relationships or at work. We therefore find it very counterproductive that insurance companies would require us to provide a mental health diagnosis. This is especially troubling because your diagnosis would stay on your medical record for ever. Insurance companies also often insist on establishing time limits for counseling in most cases. We believe a diagnosis and how much you want to stay in marriage counseling or therapy should be your choice, and not the choice of your insurance company. We have therefore chosen to operate out of network and leave you with the choice. You can apply for out of network reimbursements or chose to keep your work with us private
  • How do I get insurance reimbursement for your therapy services?
    When you have made your out of pocket payment to us, you will automatically receive a bill/invoice in your email. For easy and convenient reimbursement for your out of network insurance claim, we recommend you use the getbetter app on your phone.
  • Which locations are available for me to choose from?
    My colleagues and myself practice out of 5 different locations in the Cincinnati area and suburbs as well as Northern Kentucky. We also operate out of 4 locations in the Denver Colorado area. In most cases, our clients are never more than a 10 t0 15 minutes drive away from one of our locations. In Ohio · Blue Ash Ohio · Downtown Cincinnati · Hyde Park Ohio · West Chester Ohio · Florence, NKY In Denver Colorado · Lodo/ Downtown Denver · Cherry Creek Colorado · Aurora Colorado · Boulder Colorado Coming Soon · Columbus Ohio · Indianapolis Indiana Also you can always work with us online from wherever you may be.
  • Why is my location not available in the drop down menu?
    If a location(s) is not available from the drop down menu, this means we are fully booked at this location. Please pick your next preferred location or consider our online therapy options. You can also email us and we can try to fit you in your preferred location if a spot opens up.
  • I get an automated response when I email you. Is there a way to reach you directly?
    If you do not find answers to your questions in the FAQ section or would like to reach us directly for another reason, please email us at and a team member will get back to you as soon as we can.


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